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Currently highlighting library resources about: "black history"
Reimaging Britain
A history of both the Black and the Asian experience in Britain, from 1500 to the present day, which challenges conventional histories of the British Isles.
Library / Book
Black Pearls
A guide to nearly 300 Black footballers playing in England at the time of the book's publication (1999) with illustrations, statistics and brief career histories. Also paragraphs about the 'pioneers' eg Arthur…
Library / Book
A controversial book arguing that biology and ancestry are significant factors in explaining the success of Black athletes. It is includes a history of Blacks in sport.
Library / Book
Black History
A 14-page booklet of short contributions on the theme of black history from a personal point of view by Islington parents, carers, staff and children. Some were from children as young as 5 and were part of a…
Library / Booklet
History of Black Footballers in Britain
8 laminated posters, each one 104cm by 69cm, telling the story of black and Asian players’ contribution to football in Britain from the beginning of the professional game in the late 19th century to the…
Library / Exhibition
Black Lions
The story of black players' involvement in English football from the 19th to the early 21st century. Includes interviews with players about the problems they encountered, outlines the aims of Kick It Out, and…
Library / Book
Black British Rebels
This is an introduction to the hidden but unbroken thread in the black British working class struggle for rights and freedom. It features 6 inspiring black leaders from the 1750s to the 1970s.
Library / Booklet
Colouring Over the White Line
Details the history of Black footballers in Britain from the 19th century to 1990
Library / Book
Arthur Wharton Exhibition
This exhibition about the world’s first black professional footballer and world record-breaking sprinter was created by Doncaster Museums. It consists of 7 laminated posters, approximately 104cm x 69cm.…
Library / Exhibition
Pitch Black
In this fascinating new book, Onuora critically scrutinises the attitudes of FIFA, the FA and the media over the last half-century, and asks what is being done to combat the subtler forms of racism that…
Library / Book
Anti-Racism in Football
This dissertation was completed in part fulfilment of the BA (Hons) Historical Studies degree at Sheffield Hallam University in 2006. The author made extensive use of the Football Unites library for his…
Library / Dissertation
Memoirs of a Black Englishman
Paul Stephenson is one of the UK's leading Civil Rights activists and has travelled extensively to the United States to support the US Civil Rights Movement. In his foreword to Memories of a Black Englishman…
Library / Book
In Black and White
Offers history and potential solutions to the problems of racism in sport especially in the ownership and control of sport
Library / Book
Jesse Owens
Looks at the life story and impact on history of Jesse Owens, the black athlete who defied Hitler by winning 4 gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Part of the Heinemann Profiles series about people who…
Library / Book
Destruction of Black Civilization, The
A history of the African people. The book is concerned with how black African people came to be oppressed despite African countries like Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan having been the cradles of civilisation and…
Library / Book
Malcolm X
A biography documentary on the famous American black militant leader. The African-American Muslim, at the age of 6, saw his father killed by the Ku Klux Klan, and he also met a violent death because of his…
Library / Video
Brown Babies
55 minute documentary shown on 11/10/00 as part of Channel 4's 'Untold' Black History season. Looks at the separation from family, friends and country, of babies and young children who were born in England from…
Library / Video
Slaves in the Family
A history written by a descendant of a plantation-owner and slave-owner in South Carolina, from his family's plantation records, supplemented by both black and white folklore and interviews with the descendants…
Library / Book
Whites Only
The story of Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused to give up her seat to a white passenger in 1960s America, and started the bus boycott that helped one of the civil rights movement's greatest victories. Shown…
Library / Video
Celebrating Our Rootz
A colourful illustrated booklet with a concise look at black British history.
Library / Booklet
Nelson Mandela
The story of Nelson Mandela's life, shown on the Biography Channel on Sky TV during October 2002 as part of Black History Month. Running time approx 60 minutes.
Library / Video
Racism After 'Race Relations'
Argues that racism is not only experienced by black people, but also other groups throughout Europe due to the history of migration and nation formation in these countries.
Library / Book
Crossing the White Line:
This educational pack compliments the booklet 'Crossing the White Line: The Walter Tull Story' which is in stock at HIST4. They can also be downloaded from The activities are linked to…
Library / Teaching pack
Roots: The Next Generations
Roots: The Next Generations picks up where the original Roots finished and continues the story of the black American family's history from 1882 up to the birth of Alex Haley, author of the 'Roots' books, and…
Library / DVD
Racism and Anti-Racism in Football
Explores the key issues of nationalism, identity and racism in British football. Looks at the history of black footballers and the types of racism they've experienced. Examines the influence of extreme…
Library / Book
Compilation Tape no. 2
1.Video recording of news item shown on Calendar News on Yorkshire Television, about the launch of the book 'The First Black Footballer: Arthur Wharton' at Bramall Lane on 5th October 1998. Running time approx…
Library / Video
Yorkshire Journal
The Yorkshire Journal is Dalesman's quarterly magazine on history, traditions and the arts. This issue includes a feature 'from Guyana to Ilkley' about the pioneering work of Britain's first black matron, who…
Library / Magazine
An account of the history of football in South Africa, how it was imported with colonialism and became Africanised, becoming a mainstay of black sporting experience.
Library / Book
Homebeats Study Pack
Updated version of a study pack to accompany the Homebeats CD-Rom kept at RACE 28B. Looks at the history and struggles of Britain's black communities
Library / Teaching pack
FURD/MV Launch; Phil Vasili; Rachel Anderson
Compilation video: 1: David Blunkett speaking at the launch of the Football Unites Millennium Volunteers project at Sheffield United FC. Sky Sport News, 7/2/00, 1 minute2: Phil Vasili talking about his new book…
Library / Video
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