Thank you night for volunteers

24 Mar 2009 / News

Football Unites Racism Divides, with support from students at Sheffield Hallam University, has organised a presentation evening to thank young volunteers from across South Yorkshire.

The event is on Thursday March 26 at The Circle on Rockingham Lane, Sheffield, to honour young people who volunteer with FURD.

Around 100 volunteers have been invited to the celebration event which features a dinner, dance and music. Awards will be given to all the volunteers.

“We have organised a presentation evening with dinner, dance and music to thank all the volunteers currently involved with Football Unites Racism Divides” explained Asim Shazad, who is the Events Coordinator on a Vinvolved full-time placement with FURD.

“Hopefully this event will give the volunteers something back for all their hard work and commitment they have shown”.

“Vinvolved” is a national volunteering programme that offers young people aged 16-25 the chance to develop their skills by engaging in a number of activities.

FURD volunteers have developed skills through activities such as event planning, public workshops, organising football tournaments and also have had the opportunity to help with administration work in the office. 

If you would like to become a volunteer with FURD, please contact Mehrun Ahmed on 0114 2553156 or alternatively email on