FURD’s Arthur Wharton Heritage Project Manager, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢smarttags" />
This conference was organised by the National Council for Voluntary Youth Services and its target audience were those who work with young people in a formal and informal setting. FURD was invited as a provider of services to young people.
Lisa sad 'It was inspirational event and those who attended definitely benefitted from his advice. His holiness said that we should work with young people to build their confidence. We should first be transparent and honest and teach them to adopt these qualities also. He spoke of young people as being the generation of the 21st century, a generation of innovation/technology and new ideas. He emphasised that we should remember why we work in this field as this will help in the days when we meet challenges, and spoke of spreading peace and encouraging dialogue'.