Over the years FURD has welcomed a number of Palestinian players, including young women footballers, to the U-Mix Centre as well as supporting initiatives through the Fare Network that sought to use football to bring together Palestinian and Israeli football supporters. This is what we do - look to bring people together from differing backgrounds through their love of a shared activity.
All of us at FURD voice our deep concern and heartfelt sorrow for the devastating toll being taken on the lives of innocent Palestinian civilians, including thousands of children killed. We call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to all forms of violence and aggression. War is a destructive cycle that only perpetuates hatred and suffering, with the heaviest price paid by ordinary people; it is only through understanding, mutual respect, and compromise that a lasting peace can be achieved. We also call upon the international community to rise above geopolitical interests and play a constructive role in facilitating this process.
We wish to reiterate our unwavering commitment to combat racism, injustice, and discrimination in all its forms and recognise the courage and resistance of the Palestinian people and their enduring spirit in the face of adversity whilst trying to struggle for their immutable right to live in peace and free from apartheid.
A footnote - the Sheffield youth workers and young people who helped found FURD originally came together in 1987 to deliver the Anne Frank in the World youth project.
Anne, another innocent young victim of genocidal hate, different time, different place. same tragic outcome.