Fare Network and Samuel Eto'o receive tolerance award

23 Mar 2015 / News

The Fare (Football Against Racism in Europe) Network and Cameroon football legend Samuel Eto`o have been presented with the third European Medal of Tolerance in London for `exceptional achievements` in tackling discrimination through football.

The Medal was presented on Monday 9th March in London by the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR), a NGO established in 2008 by former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor to monitor tolerance in Europe.

Samuel Eto`o, who played for clubs including FC Barcelona, Inter Milan, Anzi and Chelsea FC, and Fare Network Chair and FURD founder Howard Holmes, received the award from Moshe Kantor at Kensington Palace. Also in attendance were Eden Hazard of Chelsea and Liverpool`s Kolo Toure.

`As racism, anti-Semitism and hatred are once again rearing their ugly heads on the terraces, on the field and in the boardrooms of sporting clubs and institutions, Samuel Eto`o and the FARE Network are being recognised for their strong stance and action against growing racism, anti-Semitism and intolerance in sports in general and football in particular` the ECTR said.

The first recipient of the European Medal of Tolerance was King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Joint recipients of the second Medal were the President of Croatia Ivo Josipovic and the former President of Serbia Boris Tadic.