FURD workers Sajaad Rauf and Adnan Ilyas are among a group taking the FURD minibus from Sheffield this afternoon to deliver emergency supplies to refugee camps in Hungary.
Please donate if you can; the latest time for drop off is 3.00pm today (Tuesday 8th September) at the U-MIX CENTRE, 17 Asline Road, Sheffield S2 4UJ.
The following items are needed:
Sanitary Pads / Tissues / Toothbrushes & toothpaste / Baby Wipes / Nappies / Shoes / Clothes / Sleeping Bags / Blankets / Foil wraps / Umbrellas. Please ensure clothes are good quality.
Medicine: Paracetamol / Calpol
NON PERISHABLE Food: Baby Food / Powder Milk /Protein Bars / Cereal Bars / Ready tinned food (e.g.sardines, Mackerel) / Crisps / chocs / Small Bottles Water
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.