Arthur Wharton, the world’s first black professional footballer, is the subject of a BBC television documentary shown on 7th January. FURD’s Arthur Wharton Heritage Project Manager, Lisa Sultanti, features in the programme, along with Shaun Campbell of the Arthur Wharton Foundation. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com🏢office" />
The programme followed Lisa and Shaun on their trip to Ghana in October this year, when they went to learn more about Wharton’s roots in the country of his birth, as well as to publicise and campaign for greater recognition for Wharton.
The feature was shown on Inside Out at 7.30pm on Monday 7th January 2013 in the North East and Cumbria and North West regions of England, and on 14 January in Yorkshire.
A 3-minute trailer for the programme can be viewed at the BBC link below.