BALL30: Narod Wybrany Cracovia Pany

Z wielokulturowej historii polskiego sportu

  1. Format: Book
  2. Published: 2015
  3. Author: Kozlowski, Maciej
  4. Publisher: Stowarzyszenie "Nigdy Wiecej"
  5. ISBN: 978-83-9441104-0-6
  6. Catalogue Code: BALL30
  7. Quantity: 1
  8. Price: £0.00
A history of Cracovia football club, the frst football club in Krakow, formed in 1906.It was a multicultural and multinational club. The book highlights the relations between Jews and Poles, the club's oppoition to the growing anti-semitism in the 1930s, and prominent Jewish footballers and other sportsmen and women in Poland.The book is in Polish with an English summary at the back.

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